Black Outdoor Lounge Chair in Between Blue Swimming Pool Under White Cloudy Blue Sky

Jon & Laurie Irons

Missionaries Serving with Youth With a Mission Tyler, Texas

Learn more

About Us

With 35+ years experience serving in Youth With A Mission, we have trained and released many people, like ourselves into areas of the world the Lord has directed them to.

Through discipleship, training, mobilization and sustaining efforts this generation is communicating the love of Jesus every where they go.

One of areas of preparation we see of importance for this International community of believers is giving them the understanding of the English language. This helps them communicate at a more universal level in the market place. Whether we are online or in person, we see that many people today have a desire to speak and comprehend English as a needed language to know. May this provided tool lead to conversations that bring people to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have seen many foreigners from all parts of the world, especially from South Korea, come to learn English as well as become fellow missionaries, like ourselves, who desire to fulfill the Great Commission.

The Family

We have been blessed with four adopted children, from three different nations. All learning to share their lives with each other and have families of their own.

We are a blended family, all learning to live life together. We can say the road has not been easy but by the grace of God, we have had to push through our differences and been able to overcome lifes obstacles. Especially pray for the seven grandchildren, whose lives are so precious.

Life is a gift from God

Did you know?

53 % of the Generation Z culture (those born between 1997-2012) see themselves as being missionaries as a vocation.

Those outside of Gen Z, only 20 - 30% will share their faith in their lifetime.

80% of Gen Z have shared their faith this past month.


One of our prayer goals of having a Communication and Culture course is to see our International students continue on as students to receive further training. This most recent school, Jiwon(Abigail), shared with us that she wanted to continue her training by returning next year to attend our Discipleship Training School (DTS). Pray for her faith to increase as she trusts the Lord for her visa to return to Texas, finances to pay for airfare, school fees, and outreach fees, and her personal needs while she is here.

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Up Coming Schedule

There is always opportunities to teach English to those who need some extra help!

The next Communication and Culture Course begins this Spring of 2024!

We are also involved with our Spring and Fall training sessions for our onboarding new staff!

Ministry Highlights of our Strategic Frontiers Department

Countries ministered in:


Mongolia (twice visited)




South Korea




500 Pastors trained in Pakistan

45 Water Filters and a donkey purchased to help bring relief to Morocco since the Earthquake

Continual bible distribution in Mongolia

A New Well dug for Dhaiso people of Tanzania (formerly an unreached people group)

Home address:


19263 FM 16 W.

Lindale, TX 75771

Cellphone Icon

903-520-2686 - Jon

903-363-3699 - Laurie

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Mail a Check to:

YWAM Tyler Accounting, c/o Jonathan & Laurie Irons, P.O. Box 3000, Lindale, TX 75771

As volunteer staff with YWAM, we deeply appreciate all our friends and family who desire to support, pray and care for us in our journey to make Jesus known to our world.

“God doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called!”

Letters and Packages

We love getting cards, coffee, and care packages from our friends around the world. Thank you for loving us so well.

Financial Support

Here are several convenient ways for you to give financially:

Your contributions are tax-deductible. Make checks out to YWAM. Do not put our names anywhere on the check. Include a separate note with our names on it, designating the gift.

or Donate through


Jonathan – @Jon3716

Donate through


Jonathan – $JonLaurieIrons